Public Opinion and Social Development
Systematic Public Opinion Studies
For the past few years, we have been participating in several of the most prestigious systematic public opinion studies, Latinobarómetro and AmericasBarometer, among others. These surveys, based on general population probabilistic samples, aim at gathering and analyzing societies’ values, opinions and beliefs, tracking trends and assessing changes. These studies’ outcomes are widely disseminated through prestigious means of communication and the resulting data are used in academic and research works.
Ad Hoc Public Opinion Studies
Prelection polls, politicians and officials public image studies, public policies and management evaluation studies. We interview a wide range of publics (general population) and KOLs (journalists, politicians, businessmen, academicians, local referents, etc.) using qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Social Research
Social projects formulation and evaluation, social marketing, nonprofit organizations marketing, social services demand assessment. Broad experience in research studies related to childhood, education, healthcare, social plans, HIV population, gender topics and medical activity evaluation.
Human Resources
We measure employee satisfaction and study issues linked to recruitment processes, identifying skills and qualities required for different job positions in specific activity sectors. We conduct workplace environment surveys, education’s impact on young people and evaluation of companies’ internal publications.